HiVid: The Streaming Service Everyone Pretends Is Legal
With Netflix intros, platform-exclusive content, and piracy site watermarks, HiVid’s $2 movie service in Second Life operates as an open secret that demands accountability.
With Netflix intros, platform-exclusive content, and piracy site watermarks, HiVid’s $2 movie service in Second Life operates as an open secret that demands accountability.
Linden Lab increases group limits and IM storage for all membership tiers, raises Animesh Attachment limits for Premium Plus, and adds Linden Homes for Plus.
Welcome to our weekly roundup of Canny feedback! This report covers all feedback submitted over the past week, including upvotes comments and status.
Linden Lab unveils new approach to combat Second Life content theft, shifting from traditional copyright enforcement to treating violations as real-world theft, with legal consequences for offenders.
Welcome to our weekly roundup of Canny feedback! This report covers all feedback submitted over the past week, including upvotes comments and status.
Learn how to improve Second Life performance by adjusting texture resolution settings across major viewers – perfect for older systems and busy regions.
Welcome to our weekly roundup of Canny feedback! This report covers all feedback submitted over the past week, including upvotes comments and status.
Step into a snow-covered Nordic paradise where red houses dot the frozen landscape and winding paths lead to winter wonders. Join me as I explore the latest seasonal transformation of Luanes World.