Community Feedback

Canny Weekly Roundup – Week 4

by Tjay Wicken

Welcome to our weekly roundup of Canny feedback! This report covers all feedback submitted over the past week, including upvotes, comments, and current status.

During week 4, the feedback item with the most engagement in terms of upvotes ended up being Add @NAME highlights for SL chat! ✅👀💬 with 61 upvotes and 6 comments. Additionally, feature requests such as Vertical land/ parcel division, Vertical land/ parcel division and Remove MP items from favorites upon purchase. also saw a healthy amount of engagement.

Note: Status information shows the state of each item at the time of writing – check Canny for the latest updates!

🏆 Top 5 Most Active Feedback Items

These are the feedback items that received the most attention this week in terms of upvotes and comments.

Add @NAME highlights for SL chat! ✅👀💬Feature Requests616open
Vertical land/ parcel divisionFeature Requests3311tracked
Fix rezzing of no-copy itemsBug Reports2621tracked
InvisiprimsFeature Requests208planned
Remove MP items from favorites upon purchase.Feature Requests163tracked

📋 Feedback By Category

Let’s break down all of the feedback by category. Whether you’re interested in bug reports, feature requests, or specific areas like scripting or web features, you’ll find the relevant feedback below.

Each entry shows the current number of upvotes, number of comments, and its current status.

Feature Requests

Add @NAME highlights for SL chat! ✅👀💬616open
Vertical land/ parcel division3311tracked
Remove MP items from favorites upon purchase.163tracked
Let Residents ‘flag’ bots that aren’t registered as Scripted Agents95open
“No Device” option for Voice Audio Inputs41open
ExtraFPS viewer – Lower FPS35tracked
Tools for working with micro / nano prims30open
Can we have emojis in scripts as well? so we can have them show up in dialogs.33tracked
Media/WEB Player no longer saves data.20open
SL Viewer UI Request: Reintroduce the Mouselook Toolbar Button20open
Bring back the my second life link to the dashboard20open

Bug Reports

Fix rezzing of no-copy items2621tracked
10 years later, still no fallback if handover during TP fails105tracked
Too much memory usage “Out of Memory” and crash13needs info – ForeverFPS crash on exit12tracked
SLV Forever fps crash on exit13tracked
Bogus/corrupted(?) entries in viewer block list12tracked
shadow causing bigger fps drop on Mac vs PC11tracked
Unable to download texture13needs info
Mesh Ghosting Main Viewer.14needs info

Web Bugs

Marketplace Search with asterisk gets unexpected results21open
Using emojis when creating a listing causes the listing to save incorrectly losing the body text21tracked

Scripting Features

New function: llSetLandingPoint( vector Position);63open
Timeout Function and Event pair.34open

Mobile Features

Default to “Friends Online” instead of “All Friends”10open

Mobile Alpha Bugs

Messages sent from objects using llInstantMessage, llRegionSayTo, llSay, or llWhisper do not appear in chat in the iOS mobile viewer.30open

Canny Feedback

Switching to SL Viewer from Firestorm02open

Land & Public Works

Proposal – “Orientation Islands” (New SL Tutorial regions for new Residents)122open
“BASIC MOVEMENT” sign at Welcome Hub can lose fullbright/emissive40open
Skill Gaming requires updated approved list, transparency, and reconsideration (presented by experienced skill game players)24open

Scripted Agents

The increasing presence of disruptive bots in Second Life, like those associated with Brenden and MadisonCybernetics, poses significant challenges to privacy and the overall experience of genuine players, prompting a call for action from Linden Labs to restore order and protect resident interests.152open
Solve the problem of a farm of bots in Triphosa Region41open

Character Designer

Stopped All Interaction41open
The Bot is fabricating knowledge of things in SL but trips herself up upon close examination:21open
Bot unable to participate in 3 way conversation — no topic crossover possible.20open
My bot character is a nude Voldemort (no clothing)22open
Unclear if bot is online20open
Network error, please refresh the page. Status: 40022open
AI Designer20open
Character delay logging in – attachments fell off after hello10open
Character Not Responsive/Appearance Issue10open
avi parts dissappear after 2 minutes11open

Browser Based Viewer

Built in keyboard problems30open
Fails in brave browser20open
Too many people20open
No wayto know too busy always20open
I can’t log into it anymore20open
Firestorm User’s View (current viewer)10open
Catatonic State10open

That’s All for This Week!

Have feedback of your own? Head over to the Second Life Canny boards to submit your suggestions or report issues. You can also upvote existing feedback that matters to you – it helps the Lab understand what’s important to the community.

See you next week for another feedback roundup!