Community Feedback

Canny Weekly Roundup – Week 3

by Tjay Wicken

Welcome to our weekly roundup of Canny feedback! This report covers all feedback submitted over the past week, including upvotes, comments, and current status.

While less feedback items were created during week 3, there appears to have been a great amount of participation in terms of upvoting and commenting on feedback items on par with the week before. The Character Designer category continues to see a healthy amount of items while the Browser Based Viewer category saw significantly less overall engagement, both by residents and Linden Lab.

The request with both the highest amount of upvotes and comments during week 3 was The rehab/revitalization of Linden Memorial Gardens with 132 upvotes and 19 comments.

Note: Status information shows the state of each item at the time of writing – check Canny for the latest updates!

🏆 Top 5 Most Active Feedback Items

These are the feedback items that received the most attention this week in terms of upvotes and comments.

The rehab/revitalization of Linden Memorial GardensFeature Requests13219open
PBR Clothing Friendly Default Windlight Day/Cycle SettingsFeature Requests326tracked
Preview for BOM items in inventoryFeature Requests243tracked
Integration of Bluesky into the viewersFeature Requests1810tracked
Alternative Colored Gloss PBR ChannelFeature Requests167tracked

📋 Feedback By Category

Let’s break down all of the feedback by category. Whether you’re interested in bug reports, feature requests, or specific areas like scripting or web features, you’ll find the relevant feedback below.

Each entry shows the current number of upvotes, number of comments, and its current status.

Feature Requests

The rehab/revitalization of Linden Memorial Gardens13219open
PBR Clothing Friendly Default Windlight Day/Cycle Settings326tracked
Preview for BOM items in inventory243tracked
Integration of Bluesky into the viewers1810tracked
Alternative Colored Gloss PBR Channel167tracked
Exclude from people search profiles not having connected to SL for over a year123open
Premium Commercial options62tracked
Option to exclude empty profiles from searches51open
Extend the 10m distance for llRezObject() and llRezAtRoot()52tracked
Display of method in world – Mobile, Project Zero, Regular Viewer10open

Bug Reports

Price of Japanese yen to purchase L$ is now 1/100 of the previous price70open
Media On a Prim no longer using Emssive Channel in PBR.62open
data use seems up massively in newest viewers50open
Attempting to corner stretch a link in a linkset will act like “Stretch Both Sides” is enabled, even though it’s not.31tracked
Beats crashing10open
Mirror probe stops working when rezzed and moved by script11tracked
mesh designer here and ive discovered that my mesh uploads are for some reason corrupted. And i would like LL to fix the uploads issue please its the number of faces when trying to apply pbr textures12needs info
Viewer stuck on “Initializing Texture Cache” after normal logoff13under review
No Shared Media Sound13open

Web Features

Ability to exclude an entire MP store from our search listings132open
Allow us to set permanent preferences for the MP per account settings in regards to item permissions81open
Search Bar in our Marketplace favorites31open
Destinations: Add Sort by: Oldest OR Random32open

Web Bugs

Broken Link on my Dashboard > Friends List if friend is on a region with a space in the name.10open
Some text of the Viewer downloads page is difficult to read.10open
404 Needs to be Clearer in Blog10open

Scripting Features

Solution for Privacy Violating Bots64open
[Feature Request] – New Experience KVP functions.65tracked
Request for LLGetObjectDetails respect parcel privacy settings513tracked

Mobile Features

Render avatars near you20open

Canny Feedback

One of the best Secondlife experiences I’ve had to date!00open

Land & Public Works

New Roads Needed70open
New Destination Category: Set Home Here71open

Scripted Agents

Add an “Autistic Mode” to hide from bots.13open
Can’t Get AI Characters Logged in For 3 Days Now11open

Character Designer

AI Character Reaching Character Limit in Responses92open
Character Clothes and AO not loading60open
network error32open
Standing after sitting Not sure ir reported here20open
Character Logs in, appears, then disappears or distorts, Chat is ok.20open
After teleport, my bone runs away from me20open
Characters can’t or won’t stand still21open
Can’t Get Characters Logged in For 4 Days Now12open
My boat won’t stay seated10open
When chatting to a Linden, the AI does not identify themself as a bot11open
Error: Network error, please reload the page. Status: 40012open
Goes online but wont actually show up10open
Kept walking off the platform about 1500 meters above.10open
Messages for bot going to email10open

Browser Based Viewer

Persistent preferences30open
Suggetion to allow fair use of daily resources.20open
Multiple Test OS, Devices.10open
I wish the trial was longer than an hour10open
AMAZING!! 10/1010open
Keyboard and space navigator unavailable10open
WOW amazing!10open
General feedback – improved immersiveness but caveats10open
Undeform button10open
It’s crashing a lot now10open
System said I couldn’t login but my avatar appeared inworld10open

That’s All for This Week!

Have feedback of your own? Head over to the Second Life Canny boards to submit your suggestions or report issues. You can also upvote existing feedback that matters to you – it helps the Lab understand what’s important to the community.

See you next week for another feedback roundup!