Community Feedback

Canny Weekly Roundup – Week 2

by Tjay Wicken

Welcome to our weekly roundup of Canny feedback! This report covers all feedback submitted over the past week, including upvotes, comments, and current status

Note: Status information shows the state of each item at the time of writing – check Canny for the latest updates!

The past week showed strong engagement in the Browser Based Viewer category, which dominated in terms of total feedback items, while the Feature Requests category took the lead in overall upvotes. The most upvoted item was, as you can see below, regarding allowing the land group to control nearby voice permissions with 45 upvotes.

🏆 Top 5 Most Active Feedback Items

These are the feedback items that received the most attention this week in terms of upvotes and comments.

Nearby Voice Permissions Controlled by Land GroupFeature Requests455tracked
Button to reload region without teleporting.Feature Requests226tracked
Low hanging fruit – massive improvement to mobile experience/non PBR clientsFeature Requests93tracked
The keyboard didn’t respondBrowser Based Viewer70open
Marketplace button in profileFeature Requests60open

📋 Feedback By Category

Let’s break down all of the feedback by category. Whether you’re interested in bug reports, feature requests, or specific areas like scripting or web features, you’ll find the relevant feedback below.

Each entry shows the current number of upvotes, number of comments, and its current status.

Feature Requests

Nearby Voice Permissions Controlled by Land Group455tracked
Button to reload region without teleporting.226tracked
Low hanging fruit – massive improvement to mobile experience/non PBR clients93tracked
Marketplace button in profile60open
Make it easier to untag someone from a group tag62tracked
Bored of YouTube videos working on my browser but not on a media prim. Any solution ?62tracked
packing inventory files into one counted item vs the count of its contents.56tracked
Business tab in profile40open
Make Animesh Characters subject to second life physics43tracked
Urgent: Need for Improved Support for Private Region Issues34tracked
Autocomplete usernames from people nearby31open
Ground cover for landscaping33open
Enable higher resolution than 360p in YouTube displayed on a media prim22tracked
Emoji colors don’t all work on a dark backgeround21tracked
On main map, button to show Home location10open
When entering a G rated area, auto-add underwear10open
Option to render property lines in main map, not just mini map11open
Upgrade the design of the llLoadUrl() window10open
Better support10open
Controlling the Search Window10open
Camera pans up right when editing object, after having set camera with script13needs info

Bug Reports

Water differences since pre-PBR30open
ExtraFPS – Middy (Legacy) enviornment halo effect around AVs13open
Incorrect error message on viewing limited permissions script10open
Group does not show corect number of members.12needs info
Can’t see most group chat12needs info
Emoji Color Rendering Issue in Dialog16needs info

Web Features

Infinity scroll on Marketplace63open
Ability to flag/report entire Marketplace stores21open
I can’t access the character-designer feedback section10open
Have a design closer to YouTube to provide a better personalization10open
Improve the visibility of the current day on the Calendar10open
add a sub category for games10open

Web Bugs

Text is way too small10open

Canny Feedback

Allow us to edit category after we’ve created a post.00open
Profile privacy – re. status and birthdate (rezzdate)00open
Search for own posts00open
Canny does not show “Details”, “Steps to reproduce” and “Environment”?00open
Show character limits on each text editing box!01open
AI Characters won’t save00open
Why ask for Bug Info on Feature Requests??04open


Breaking up the Linden Department of Public Works Into divisions with dedicated molds20open

Server Bugs

Online status and transport issues related to one location33needs info
Increased reports of “can’t teleport more than 6 times per minute” when trying to TP11open
Language and erasing post here12needs info

Scripted Agents

How to access Characters Discord channel?10open
More options for Ai companions.10open

Character Designer

Your bot is running.66in progress
Still online limit reaced67in progress
online limit reached51in progress
The Bot frequently stops responding to some people in a conversation, ..41open
NPC should be more interactive with the world30open
Offer Teleport31open
Short Term Memory is Good but never makes it to Long Term (ie restart).32open
Teleport Acting oddly32open
Character sometimes resorts to open chat10open
Network Error 400, ai bothered by a random unknown12open
Reset of scripted agent account status for the Companion is confirmed on the account webpage but NOT reflected in SL10open
Character won’t interact with temp physical scripted object10open
Character attempts to return to home location even when not in home region10open
Speaking style not saving11in progress
AI chara report on Cloth Rezz, Sit On, Unresponsive, and Other’s interactions12open
activates, logs in, but does not respond to chat and appearance is not correct10open
FEEDBACK for initial creation and log in.10open
Get the bot to face me.10open
Four points of feedback on Character bots10open
Please allow the user to choose which LLM is used10open
ThrottlingException Error10open
Early Access v.01. Is everyone still on this version for Character Designer?14in progress

Browser Based Viewer

The keyboard didn’t respond70open
Unable to type & wierd keyboard41open
Seamless and Efficient: My Experience with Linden Labs’ New Browser-Based Viewer41open
Feed back from brief test30open
[Feature request]: Save preferences! (all of them)33open
I was amazed!30open
Keyboard doesn’t work30open
Browser Login Failure Corrupts REGULAR Logins33open
No Chat Available on Both iPad & Mac Mini or Favorites Button on any Browser20open
Authenticator Unresponsive20open
How to pay for Zero21open
No notification of friends going online/offline – No lag20open
MFA prevented me from logging in20open
Could not type20open
It’s a good first start had a few problems21open
Crashed when trying to teleport20open
My SL Browser Experience20open
Could not get into SL thru Web10open
Generally, it’s pretty good10open
Difficult to Read11open
Login was fine. I could use my camera to look around but I was unable to move my avatar.10open
First time using10open
A tad sluggish but crisp textures and fast loading. No access via Firefox11open
The link is not active for me.10open
Search Menus doesn’t seem to be working for me10open
Zero: Mouselook sticks10open
App-No Inventory10open
APP-No Offer teleport to others10open
No lag, but limited menu windows, motion controls by combination of keys10open
I noticed lag and it takes time to load in some regions10open
Shift key not working consistently.10open
Old machine that struggles to wow gimme the browser now10open
Overall pretty neat but could use some tweaking.10open
It’s not working10open
Testing, testing01open

That’s All for This Week!

Have feedback of your own? Head over to the Second Life Canny boards to submit your suggestions or report issues. You can also upvote existing feedback that matters to you – it helps the Lab understand what’s important to the community.

See you next week for another feedback roundup!