Canny Community Feedback

Canny Weekly Roundup – Week 1

by Tjay Wicken

Welcome to our weekly roundup of Canny feedback! This report covers all feedback submitted over the past week, including upvotes, comments, and current status

Note: Status information shows the state of each item at the time of writing – check Canny for the latest updates!

🏆 Top 5 Most Active Feedback Items

These are the feedback items that received the most attention this week in terms of upvotes and comments.

Undo featureFeature Requests254tracked
“Only This Time” Experience PermissionsFeature Requests142tracked
Gratuitous use of bots boost trafficFeature Requests137open
Screen SizeBrowser Based Viewer131open
Texture pipeline in ExtraFPS still uses too much VRAM and the bias is wrong.Bug Reports111open

📋 Feedback By Category

Let’s break down all of the feedback by category. Whether you’re interested in bug reports, feature requests, or specific areas like scripting or web features, you’ll find the relevant feedback below.

Each entry shows the current number of upvotes, number of comments, and its current status.

Feature Requests

Undo feature254tracked
“Only This Time” Experience Permissions142tracked
Gratuitous use of bots boost traffic137open
More options for homes91open
Additional Animesh Attachments for Premium Plus89open
Departments within one store74tracked
Please join Second Life to the Blender Development Fund50open
Second Life Premium Plus for Families/Friends Group42tracked
On-demand regions33tracked
additional attachments34open
Add search by specific date/date range30open
Easier/quicker method for sorting BOM layers for all saved outfits20open
When a dialog with a text box opens, the typing focus should be the text box25open
Allow manual control of bone scaling in shapes for advanced users20open
Show IM status icons21open
Reddit – What would you like to see from Linden Lab in 2025 ?10open
Avatar Rendering issue10open

Bug Reports

Texture pipeline in ExtraFPS still uses too much VRAM and the bias is wrong.111open
Missing Reflections in Snapshots with Screen Space Reflections Enabled21tracked
Nothing renders, everything stays gray.11needs info
Menu Floater Window Labels are sometimes missing characters12needs info
Chat icon in Conversations window flashes for every message in separated chat window11tracked
ExtraFPS viewer Crashes using “Replace Current Outfit” to attach KittyCats Avatar14under review
Cannot take transfer objects in the new release SL Viewer (and FS either).13tracked

Web Features

Remove decimals from prices95open
Profiles to redirect to Primfeed instead of my.secondlife.com11open

Web Bugs

Map tiles on the viewer and the web do not render PBR10open

Scripting Features

[Feature Request] PRIM_SIT_TEXT constant for SLPP* and GLPP20open
Silent manage estate access permission check12open


Connect Route 8B and Old Wagon Road Between Camazotz and Rethymno1111under review
Solid guides in switches and street-running parts of SLRR between Oculea and Tuliptree40open

Scripted Agents

Use agent SLURL in “You are chatting with a bot”20open
AI Chars Won’t Talk After Initial Greeting12open

Character Designer

Online lImit reached erro41open
Your bot is running.31open
your bot is running successfully21open
Your bot is running21open

Browser Based Viewer

Screen Size131open web page won’t load.77in progress
Unable to load41open
Screen Size messed up42open
Should display which account you’re on when visiting the site30open
Support RLV20open
Zero: Movement keys don’t operate consistently between sessions.20open
Can’t get past 2FA22open
Keyboard and Mouse Input not recognized20open
Very nice, but…20open
I Liked!10open
Viewer is clipping left and right side of screen10open
It works very well, but…10open
Doesn’t detect window size10open
Zero: Teleporting by entering SURL into location field stopped working10open
Finally happening10open
Aspect Ratio, Typing, Loading, Teleporting, Camera Controls.10open
Impressive Work! However, symbols don’t work, automatic sign-ins, & after 10mins, it should have a message directing you to feedback.secondlife.com10open
Just Accessed10open
Browser test Day 110open
Zero Project – First test12open
I just can’t get past the login screen.10open
A Good Start10open
Everything became clear quickly10open
Perfect for me10open
Avatar Locked Out After Testing Zero Viewer12open
Cursor leaves viewer area in mouselook on 4k screen10open
The Web interface is Amazing! I was impressed.10open

That’s All for This Week!

Have feedback of your own? Head over to the Second Life Canny boards to submit your suggestions or report issues. You can also upvote existing feedback that matters to you – it helps the Lab understand what’s important to the community.

See you next week for another feedback roundup!